NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: CLIB for NetWare 386 v3.0 DOCUMENT ID: TID000090 DOCUMENT REVISION: A DATE: 01JUL93 ALERT STATUS: Yellow INFORMATION TYPE: Symptom Solution README FOR: CLIB.EXE NOVELL PRODUCT and VERSION: NetWare Pre 3.11 and 2.2 ABSTRACT: This file contains CLIB.NLM, which is the NLM enabling libraries for NetWare v3.0. _________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. _________________________________________________________________ Self-Extracting File Name: CLIB.EXE Files Included Size Date Time CLIB.TXT (This File) CLIB.NLM 127263 11-10-89 10:04a MATHLIB.NLM 21610 11-09-89 9:54a MATHLIBC.NLM 12449 11-09-89 9:53a STREAMDU.NLM 717 8-07-89 12:08a This file contains information on the following topics: Installing NetWare 386 Including the C library (CLIB.NLM) Setting the Time Zone INSTALLING NETWARE 386 INCLUDING THE C LIBRARY The NLMs in this directory are: CLIB.NLM MATHLIB.NLM MATHLIBC.NLM STREAMDU.NLM You will normally want to load CLIB.NLM and STREAMDU.NLM (or STREAMS.NLM) from the AUTOEXEC.NCF file. Streams (STREAMS.NLM or STREAMDU.NLM) must be loaded prior to loading CLIB.NLM. Example: LOAD STREAMS LOAD CLIB STREAMDU.NLM is used if the NLMs being run do NOT use Streams, in order to save memory, approximately 40K, on the file server. Example: LOAD STREAMDU LOAD CLIB MATHLIB.NLM and MATHLIBC.NLM are only needed by NLMs that use floating point math. - If MATHLIB.NLM or MATHLIBC.NLM is NOT loaded, and an NLM attempts to use them, the NLM will be aborted and an error will be returned. "NLM requires MATHLIB or MATHLIBC" OR "NLM requires MATHLIB (not MATHLIBC)" OR "Loader cannot find public symbol: xxx" where xxx is the call that is being made (ie. asin, atan, etc.) - If MATHLIBC.NLM is loaded, there may be some NLMs that won't work. If an NLM written to use ONLY MATHLIB.NLM is loaded, the NLM will be aborted and the message "NLM requires MATHLIB (not MATHLIBC)" will be printed. MATHLIB.NLM should be used if an 80387 is installed. Note: MATHLIBC.NLM is faster than MATHLIB.NLM for NLMs that run on a server that does NOT have an 80387 and that were written for MATHLIBC.NLM. Therefore, you should TRY to use MATHLIBC.NLM if an 80387 is NOT installed. SETTING THE TIME ZONE The TZ environment variable is used to establish the local time zone. The value of the variable is used by various time functions to compute times relative to Greenwich Mean Time. The "tzset" function can be used to set the global variables "daylight" (indicates if daylight saving time is in effect), "timezone" (contains the number of seconds of time difference between the local time zone and Greenwich Mean Time), and "tzname" (a vector of two pointers to character strings containing the standard and daylight timezone names). The value of the TZ parameter should be set as follows: - three letters to be the abbreviation for the name of the time zone (EST, CST, MST, PST, etc.) - a signed integer to be the number of hours that the time zone is earlier than Greenwich Mean Time (EST = 5, CST = 6, MST = 7, PST = 8, etc.) - three letters to be the abbreviation for the name of the time zone when daylight savings time is in effect (EDT, CDT, MDT, PDT, etc.) When the name of the time zone for daylight saving time is given, it is assumed that daylight saving time is in effect; otherwise, standard time is assumed. Some examples are: TZ=EST5 Eastern Standard Time, 5 hours earlier than Greenwich Mean Time, standard time is in effect (this is the default when the TZ variable is not set) TZ=PST8PDT Pacific Standard Time, 8 hours earlier than Greenwich Mean Time, daylight saving time is in effect The syntax to use when loading the CLIB.NLM is: LOAD CLIB TZ = [] ÿ